At present I am in-between as an artist. I don’t know what is next and I’m not satisfied with where I have been. My intention is to make this website part of my path moving forward. There is a clarity that comes from putting a painting up on a clean wall with a frame, declaring it finished. In that state it is easier to detach and see more clearly what it is and what I means - to view it as an observer instead of a creator.
A website feels a bit like that. Posting a thought like this, formatted and presented to a virtual public audience, is like a painting on a gallery wall. I hope this too will bring some clarity of mind and perspective. So I might be able to see more clearly where I am and where I am meant to go.
My Podcasts
DabbleOn. I host conversations with artists about their work and the materials they use.
Room In The Trees. Cohosted with Sabrina Ward Harrison, we discuss how to live life as a creative.
Trent Reynolds and DabbleOn
I am an artist and teacher working in West Los Angeles. Dabbleon (dabble on) is a name I came up with a while back, thinking that I might use it as a company name but I have ended up using it in many ways. It is a name that is free ranging, curious, and experimental. Traits I strive to cultivate. I am always looking for new ways to create, discuss, and teach art.
In addition to teaching at Brentwood Art Center I offer private instruction (in person or online). If you are trying to get out of a rut, want to experiment with new possibilities, or just need another set of eyes to respond to your work - contact me to setup a time to talk.
I also run Artist Laser—a laser engraving and creative production shop in Santa Monica, CA.